Somatic Therapy in Los Angeles, CA

What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic therapy is a holistic type of therapy that recognizes the body and mind connection. It incorporates a range of techniques and to help people become more aware of their bodily sensations and experiences. This develops a deeper trust and relationship to your self and your body.

One example may involve breathing exercises, movement, self-touch, rocking or vocalization. The goal of somatic therapy is to help folks process and release emotions that are stored in the body, which can lead to a greater sense of well-being and emotional balance.

What’s an example of what a Somatic Therapy session would look like?

We might begin with coming into the present moment, and getting curious about what is coming up for you that is most pressing to discuss. As you share, I am not only listening to your narrative, but also tracking how your body, voice inflections, body posture and breathing may change depending on the topic. This helps gain more awareness into what this means for you, and how your body has been holding onto or carrying the intensity of this experience into the here and now. We will use somatic tools to help integrate past traumas and experiences that may have been blocked from your awareness.

How will I know if Somatic Therapy is right for me?

Each session is centered around building trust and safety in the therapeutic relationship. This means we frequently check in how therapy is feeling, what is liked or not liked, and how the experience is for you - this allows you to have full agency and voice in your treatment process.