Sostenes Lima, LCSW Trauma Therapist specializing in psychodynamic, EMDR for Professionals of Color

EMDR Therapy in Los Angeles, California

What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR Therapy) utilizes the bilateral stimulation of the brain to reprocess traumatic events in a safe and therapeutic way. This is for folks with one time traumatic events (war, car accident, death, natural disasters) and for more complex and chronic traumas such as childhood abuse and neglect.

What conditions and issues does EMDR treat?

EMDR therapy typically works best for folks with acute trauma such as one time event traumas (disasters, war, torture, abuse, car accident, sport accident), and with PTSD, anxiety & phobias.

Can I do both talk therapy and EMDR?

Absolutely! EMDR works best when there is a strong connection and relationship between therapist and client. Using EMDR in parts can be a great way to work through pieces of the trauma, while also building strong rapport and trust.

Which therapist uses EMDR?

Sostenes Lima is trained in EMDR.