Internal Family Systems (IFS Therapy)

It all begins with curiosity to learn about the different parts of us that are longing to be heard - holding the belief that we all have the innate wisdom and care to heal ourselves more wholly. This type of therapy births within us a deeper compassion towards the many different parts of who we are, while also being able to see and relate to others from a new grounded and connected place.

What is IFS Therapy and how can it help?

IFS therapy believes that we all have many different parts of us internally, that sometimes get fragmented or disconnected from our core identity. It seeks to understand the different roles, actions or inaction the system has had to take in order to cope with various traumas or life challenges.

What are the benefits of IFS therapy?

IFS therapy supports the understanding that we are not only beings connected to the world around us, but our internal world can also mimic the systems and family systems that we are born into and raised in.

Being able to name these various roles, personas, goals/intents and wounds that they carry allow people to feel a greater sense of harmony, balance, stability, confidence, decrease in anxiety & restlessness, increase sense of meaning or purpose and decrease severity of symptomology around issues of disordered eating, grief/loss, PTSD, relationship challenges, attachment issues, OCD and impact of relational, systemic and generational trauma.

IFS therapy can restore back a sense of self-agency, power, assurance, and sense of personal identity.

IFS therapy in California